Counting Every Blessing
Sunshine Nursery Tour
Blueberry Zucchini French Toast
reading suggestions
I'm Becca - mom to three cute kiddos, professional photographer, chocolate addict, in love with all thing wildflowers, and (most importantly) a sinner saved by grace through faith!
It’s crazy to finally have a chance to sit down and breathe. This semester has been a whirlwind of work, but I have honestly loved and enjoyed just about every part of it. Also, I love love love having the entire week of Thanksgiving off! #perksofbeingateacher
Yes, I still have a ton of homework and projects to complete, as well as some paintings I could work on, by why do that when I can stay up late watching TV with my grandma, scrounging the internet for potential Christmas presents and planning my wedding.
Yes… you read right.
It’s still sinking in that I am going to marry the man of my dreams, but things are starting to get more and more real. Everything the past few weeks has passed in a blur, but one thing I definitely remember is the look he gave me when I walked up to him on the Denton square. Let me take you back…
I knew the engagement had to be coming, but I thought it wasn’t going to happen that week because Isaac had *ahem* lied to me about going to a retreat with his BSM. I was in Denton for the weekend with my best friend, Caley, thinking we were going to go to UNT’s homecoming game and meeting some friends for dinner before heading to the game. I was a little confused as to why we were meeting up for dinner 30 minutes before the game was going to start and why we weren’t going to get to the game until halftime (especially when that was when I was planning on leaving), but I went along with the plan since I didn’t want to be difficult.
Once Caley and I got to the square, she told me we had to go to the other side, because a friend was having trouble finding the restaurant. I silenced my “but it’s only two blocks away” reasoning and decided to enjoy the exercise. As we were walking beside the courthouse I looked up and standing behind a tree that had been covering him was Isaac.
You know how in movies and books they talk about seeing someone across a room and they are all you see? Well that happened to me.
When my eyes met Isaac’s I didn’t see or notice anyone else around me. All I saw was his smiling face. Cheesy, I know! I slowly made my way to him (my goal was to not trip and fall flat on my face) and saw that he had set up a table with a big bouquet of Gerber daisies and two pictures of us from years before… Such a sweet touch! When I reached him he got down on one knee, took my hand and said smiled as he looked me in the eyes.
Truth be told, I cannot remember for the life of me what he said… And neither can he, so I’m safe! I DO know, however, that he said “I love you” and “Will you marry me?”, to which I promptly nodded my head and somehow said “Yes!” through my numb lips.
After that everything went by in a whirlwind. Some people on the other side of the square cheered for us, we took some pictures, I hugged my brother (who videoed the whole thing) and kinda stood there in a weird stupor watching everyone move around me, a HUGE smile plastered to my face! Caley grabbed the flowers and pictures, Isaac hoisted the table over his shoulder and they started walking in different directions towards their cars. And I was still standing there watching it all happen. Finally I ran after Isaac and asked him what was going on, to which he promptly said “I’m gonna blindfold you”.
And for the record, y’all… Teary eyes, mascara and your fiance’s tie do not mix very well!
Long story short, Isaac had planned for all of our friends to wait for us in a nearby restaurant (NOT the one I thought we were going to!), where they congratulated us once I was able to take the blindfold off. It was so great to see all of them, especially those who I hadn’t been able to see for over a year! Seeing everyone there together brought a whole new round of tears to my eyes, which I was luckily able to keep in. We laughed, we talked, we ate and took even more pictures, then moved on to an ice cream place where we caught up some more with friends and spent some time together.
All in all, it was a wonderful night! I couldn’t have asked for a better way to start this incredible journey with Isaac and I am blessed, excited and thrilled beyond belief to be his fiance and future wife. We are both looking forward to this new chapter in life and all that God is going to teach us about each other as we grow closer together and closer to Him.
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