Counting Every Blessing
Sunshine Nursery Tour
Blueberry Zucchini French Toast
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I'm Becca - mom to three cute kiddos, professional photographer, chocolate addict, in love with all thing wildflowers, and (most importantly) a sinner saved by grace through faith!
I’ve posted about breakfast bowls before (here) and this morning I decided to make another! One of the hardest things for me to do is get my greens in for the day (sometimes you just don’t feel like having a salad for every meal!), and this is the perfect way to mix them in without really noticing it. You can add any fruit to the base and as the toppings… It’s really the perfect summertime breakfast! You get so many nutrients from the spinach, fruits, Greek yogurt and nuts, and because of the protein and healthy fats, you stay satisfied all morning long!
Ingredients Base:
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup non-fat Greek yogurt
1/4 cup almond milk
2 Tbs chia seeds
large handful of spinach
couple of ice cubes
Ingredients Toppings:
4 strawberries, sliced
1/4 cup blueberries
1/4 cup blackberries
1/8 cup shredded coconut
1 Tbs chopped pecans
Blend all of the base ingredients together until smooth. Pour in a bowl and top with the toppings… Get creative and make a pretty design! Then enjoy your delicious and nutritious breakfast (after instagramming it, that is!!).
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