Counting Every Blessing
Sunshine Nursery Tour
Blueberry Zucchini French Toast
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I'm Becca - mom to three cute kiddos, professional photographer, chocolate addict, in love with all thing wildflowers, and (most importantly) a sinner saved by grace through faith!
I don’t know what it is about spring that makes me want a fresh start, but every year, when the weather starts warming up and the flowers begin blooming I find myself reorganizing my stuff, throwing out things I don’t need and deep cleaning my apartment. A few weeks ago I went through my clothes and got rid of all the shirts, pants, sweaters and shoes I have been holding on to for years, but haven’t had the heart to let go of till now. Over spring break I decided to tackle my pantry. It was in serious need of a good cleaning out, and I love how clean and organized it looks now. I also reorganized my craft closet that I use for Colors on Canvas and next on my list is a good deep cleaning of each room… Wish me luck on that one!
So in the spirit of spring cleaning, I decided to share some of the things I did when I cleaned up my pantry. I had a lot of fun, it didn’t take too long, and it’s been so easy to upkeep. That’s my kind of spring cleaning!
It’s easy to lose track of what’s in your pantry, and you may have more expired items in there than you realize! Check your canned goods, packaged items and boxed items. If something has expired, it means you haven’t needed it for years, and it’s time to say sionara. You won’t miss it and you will enjoy the extra space in your pantry. Besides… Do you REALLY want something that can stay “fresh” for years? Throw it out and opt for fresh alternatives.
I love love love mason jars. I use them for drinking glasses, vases, decoration and storage. They’re so cheap and easily replaced, which is good when you’re as clumsy as me! I went to Walmart and bought a case of 12 quart sized mason jars (for about $10) and a package of white labels (for about $2).
I had a ton of bulk products in bags that I put into my new mason jars, and I pulled out some super large mason jars for the items I had a lot of, like rice and coconut flour (mostly because I kept buying more without realizing we already had some). Once everything had a home, I made the labels and slapped them on. Easy peasy!
Here’s a close up of some of the labels I made.
I like to organize the things in my pantry into similar item groups, and each shelf in the pantry corresponds to a different group.
Top shelf: protein powder, oats, quinoa and pasta
Third shelf: rice, cereal and chips
Second shelf: nuts, canned goods and sauces
First shelf: all things sweet! (chocolate chips, shredded coconut, nut butters and our box of “junk food”)
Bottom shelf: baggies, flour and sugar refills (I keep it in containers on my counter) and coconut oil
I like organizing my pantry like this, because it maximized the (very) limited space I have, and it makes it easy to find things.
Here’s a before and after of my pantry!
Do you do spring cleaning? What is your favorite thing to clean? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.
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