
Monday Motivation (Beat Those Monday Blues)

May 2, 2016

  1. Katie Arnold says:

    I am all about getting in my workout! It starts my day and week off on the right foot, leaves me feeling strong and confident, and with a clear mind! Happy Monday!

  2. kmaryam says:

    I don’t necessarily hate mondays haha ! But I agree that they’re kinda annoying lol. I always prep my meals on sunday and I workout everyday but never in the morning Xx

  3. Chrissy Z. says:

    Such wonderful ideas to handle Monday blues. It can be hard to return to your daily routine after a relaxing weekend, but these are really great tips to make it a bit more bearable! Happy Monday xxx

  4. shannon says:

    Monday’s are hard…I definitely don’t hate Mondays, but it is rough getting back to the daily workweek grind. I think having a morning routine always helps and yes COFFEE!

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  5. hzajac13 says:

    Mondays are the hardest. I have to stick to my routine or Id feel like I woulsdnt make it through the day.

  6. Samantha says:

    Yes! Absolutely coffee! And I feel better on the mornings when I wake up and do a little yoga first thing. That really helps me wake up and get going.

  7. Ashley says:

    These are great tips!! The morning workout is so crucial for me. It’s when I feel the best and when I work the best. The coffee is also essential…

  8. Starr Schrenker says:

    Coffee, “me time,” and a workout would make for a fantastic morning! One can dream… :-)

  9. Jessica Bradshaw says:

    Love these!! What great tips. Minus the coffee. Today the weather helped me beat the Monday blues! Have a great day!

  10. Suzanne says:

    My morning yoga is essential to start my day off right. I need to get back to my morning devotional, too!

  11. I love having me time by taking wonderful showers. The coffee dates are right on the money. Thanks for the Monday motivation!

  12. Christine says:

    When I am feeling blue I will watch some tv to get my mind off of things. I try to start the week off right with exercise and some me time with my coffee. When I am having an off day, it is usually because I am tired or something is bothering. I usually find a way to push through it.

  13. Julie says:

    Great tips! I always feel ready to take on the day after I’ve taken the dog to the dog park. Something about being out in the fresh air that always makes me feel more creative.

  14. Neely says:

    coffee and me time you speak my language!

  15. CrazyShenanigans says:

    I prep my lunch the night before and that makes such a big difference

  16. I am all about a nice cup of coffee (in a cute mug) and “me time” as a general rule. I work from home, so Monday doesn’t have the same implications for me as it does for people with traditional jobs. However, I do choose to take weekends off, so I view Monday as the beginning of a new week and hope that I get some goals marked off my list. :)

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