Counting Every Blessing
Sunshine Nursery Tour
Blueberry Zucchini French Toast
reading suggestions
I'm Becca - mom to three cute kiddos, professional photographer, chocolate addict, in love with all thing wildflowers, and (most importantly) a sinner saved by grace through faith!
I feel like every month’s update is going to start with “and just like that we have a ___ month old”, because it feels like time is flying by way too fast. This month has been so great for the family! Fran is getting older, is more alert, smiles all the time, and has been sleeping MUCH better. I finally feel like we’re in a rhythm of sorts, which helps me feel better mentally and emotionally. I know this little routine we have going on won’t last forever (babies are fun like that), but I’m soaking it in while I can!
Now that I’m also feeling better physically, we’ve been going out on fun adventures with our friends, which I LOVE. Texas springs are so beautiful, and I’m glad we get to enjoy the tail end of this one before the summer heat really sets in. Getting to go out and make memories with my FOUR kids is still a bit surreal. But I am loving every chaotic second of it!
Well Frannie girl has wasted no time gaining weight! At her 2 month checkup, she was 12lbs 10oz (3 pounds above her birth weight) putting her in the 80th percentile. My sweet chunky baby is still so squishy and snuggly. I love everything about her!
One of my favorite things about her getting older is seeing how much more alert she is. She makes eye contact, smiles all the time and loves having “coo” conversations with me. Fran is sleeping really well at night (only waking up once or twice to nurse), and is finally not needing mama to hold her constantly. Most of her naps are contact naps or in the car, but I know those will get better with time!
This month has involved so many fun adventures and outings. From date night with dada to James’s soccer games to lots of walks and fun at the park, we’ve been making so many sweet memories!
Our first big outing was to the strawberry farm with our friends from church. We enjoyed every minute of it, and those strawberries (and donuts) were delicious! It was sunny and breezy, and it felt so good to soak in that beautiful fresh air.
For our second big adventure I was feeling brave and took all the kiddos to the zoo by myself. I didn’t quite know how it would all work out, but we ended up having the best day. The kids were absolutely fantastic! Fran just chilled in her carseat while we walked around, and only fussed when she was getting hungry. I honestly could not have asked for a more perfect and enjoyable day at the zoo.
This month was also Fran’s first time to visit the farm! We went up to Bonham for a quick weekend trip for the annual Susan Hicks 5K, and to visit my grandma.
Frances got to meet her namesake, and it was so special to see them together. My grandma has always wanted someone named after her, and it was such an honor to pass down her name to my daughter. I pray Fran is just as kind, thoughtful, generous and loving as her great grandma.
The sad spot in this month was having to say “see you later” to our dear midwife. I hate the 6 week appointment, because it marks the end of our care with her. We absolutely adore Danielle, and it’s so hard to say goodbye. But we already have plans to catch up with her soon, which makes the goodbye a little bit easier.
The rest of the month was filled with lots of baby snuggles, walks, trips to the park, and homeschooling James. I have loved watching Fran grow and change over the past two months. She is SO sweet, and just the cutest little thing. Everyone is absolutely smitten, especially June. She is loving her double big sister role, and is taking it very seriously. That little girl will be the best mama someday.
We love you, Frances Anne!
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