Counting Every Blessing
Sunshine Nursery Tour
Blueberry Zucchini French Toast
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I'm Becca - mom to three cute kiddos, professional photographer, chocolate addict, in love with all thing wildflowers, and (most importantly) a sinner saved by grace through faith!
I just realized that I took Fran’s one month pictures and never ended up writing her update. If that doesn’t describe this postpartum season, I don’t know what does. I feel like I’m able to do about a fifth of what I normally do, thanks to the combo of four kids, exhaustion, a baby who loves being held, homeschooling and being back to work. But I’ve slowly been finding a groove, and I know it’s only up from here!
I am in absolute denial that my little Frances is six weeks old today. It’s been weeks full of milkies, spit up, snuggles, tears, laughter, contact naps, sickness and getting to know our new baby. She is so sweet, and has already started smiling and cooing which I adore. The big kids love her so much and have been so wonderful during this transition. They help out a ton, and it brings me so much joy watching them dote on their baby sister.
This postpartum season has been less productive, but it’s also been a much needed break as my body gets the rest it needs. I’ve spent so much of these past few weeks just holding Frances. I’ve let the dishes sit in the sink, been blessed with SO many meals so I didn’t have to cook, spent every evening rocking her to sleep in the living room, and worked on memorizing her cute little features. My heart has grown once again with the addition of our fourth child, and sometimes it feels like it will just BURST with how much I love them all.
I am so thankful that the Lord blessed us with such a beautiful gift. We love you so much, Frances Anne!
Fran is changing so fast (as every newborn does)! She’s up to almost 11 lbs and has already grown a couple of inches. Most of her newborn clothes are getting a bit snug, and she’s been in size 1 diapers since about a week old.
She’s interacting more with us, and smiles all the time when we talk to her. Fran’s coo-ed a few times, and it’s so sweet hearing her little voice, especially when she’s not crying. The baby acne came in full force at the end of the month, but thankfully it’s finally starting to improve. So far her eyes are the prettiest blue, and I love seeing her grow into the cutest baby girl.
We spent most of our time at home this month, but she did make it out for a couple chiropractor appointments, to the park with Dada and even one of James’s soccer games!
One of the most special moments was the sip and see baby shower when Fran was 2.5 weeks old. We were blessed with a ton of diapers and wipes, and it was SO fun getting to introduce her to so many loved ones. It was tea party themed, and just the sweetest thing from start to finish.
Frances celebrated her first Easter this month, which was also her first Sunday to visit our church. I can’t wait to watch her grow up in this special place. We are so blessed with an amazing church family!
Spring in Texas also means the obligatory bluebonnet photos. This is one of my favorite things to do every year, and I know Fran will love it one day. Gotta start taking her pictures when she’s young, so she knows no better. ;)
My dear friends, the Samuels, ended their trip to Texas with pictures in the bluebonnets. And of course we had to add my kiddos into the mix for a photo. We used to talk about our kids playing together one day, and it was literally a dream come true watching them laugh and run around together. I know it’s partially thanks to my postpartum hormones, but MAN I definitely shed some tears watching them.
The rest of the month was just spent holding baby Fran. We adore her so much, and she really is quite the snuggle bunny. I just love our squishy, chunky baby more than I can describe.
Here’s to your first month of life, little one!
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